Sprays and sprouts

One of my favorite NGOs - TreesforFree.Org
Admittedly I have actively participated in only one drive - raised money and got hands gleefully dirty planting saplings (in an apartment complex in sarjapur)..
Lately had to limit only to spreading the word.. Got to rejuvenate that green thumb..

However, been greening up the balcony alright - last weekend we had a mini adventure into a nursery almost outside city limits - beyond the granite shops and train crossing. This was a vast piece of land covered with potted saplings for sale, run by a little house (with ladies in nighties and an old thatha) next to the field.. It started raining when we reached, had a gala time hopping on mud in the midst of the pitter patter, looking at wet saplings! The LSU umbrella surrendered to the wind, it needs complete repair now.. Got back home with a pomegrenate hybrid (to be bonsai'd), kadi patta sapling, petunia, 9 o'clock, and another plant that looks like bunch of grapes - the maali said it's a cactus variety but can't find the actual name..

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