India goes backward - thanks to SoniaDevi!

Year 2002: India's President - "Rocket Scientist"
Year 2007: India's (proposed) President - "College Queen"

Year 2002: Indian President's speech - "I have three visions for India..."
Year 2007: Indian (proposed) President's speech - "Daadiji ke shareer mein Baba aaye... "

Year 2002: Indian President wrote the book - India 2020
Year 2007: Indian (proposed) President will most possibly write: India 1010.



How do we know said...

This IS funny... and sadly, true too... but amazing observation!

umesh.chettiar said...

very true the upa will do anything to get a puppet to sign on their reservation bills for them without raising eyebrown......umesh

Venkat K said...

soniaji : woohoo - the proposed president knows binary...she is a geek you morons.